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Kyle was a sweet human being and a very kind man — a man who tried to live his life the best he could. He was very loyal to his friends and extremely generous. Without Kyle, our hearts are broken and our tears endless, but our memories and joys are immeasurable. His laughter and smile will never leave our memories. Kyle was always reaching out for new and exciting adventures. A unique capacity throughout his heart allowed Kyle to profoundly connect to everyone around him, his smile as so many have said before was radiant and captivating. To Kyle there was no one not good enough for him and he did so much for everyone around him without expecting anything in return. He was a true champion among his peers and brightened the lives of everyone he came into contact with. His way was an honest and righteous way. My friend Kyle always listened to people, never left anyone out and had a real passion for serving his community. With Kyle’s passing we remind others that his life is one to be celebrated, although we will miss him every day, especially his winning smile, he will always remain forever in our hearts. Although it’s hard to keep this tragedy in perspective I truly believe that the quality of Kyle’s life  far exceeds the quantity of life.  For Kyle life’s cares and sorrows are through, but the comfort and sweetness of peace has just begun.  We love you Kyle rest peacefully!  You are the greatest person we will ever know!


“If tears could build a stairway,

And memories a lane, I’d walk

Right up to heaven and bring you

Home again.”

Megan Hunt
Kyle, I found out alittle but ago what happened. I just started crying. I have so many good memories with you. It has been a gift in my life to have known you as long as I have. I remeber in 6th grade when you found out I was Casey's cousin and we instantly became friends. I remember the 8th grade caost trip when you and Travis Stiedie sat behind me and Megan and gave us a hard time the whole trip. But that was what made you special you made people laugh and you brought light into every room. My most recent memory is watching you teah my best friend how to swing dance during Round up. You made her laugh and have such a great time. And you had met her and you being the type of person you are you treated her like you knew her for years. Im so glad I got to see you when I lived there for a few months. Im sorry I didn't see you memorial day weekend before I left for california. I know we will see each other again someday and I look forward to seeing that amazing smile of yours. Fly with the angels and watch over all of us. and know that we all love you and miss you and the world won't ever be the same with out you! YOu will always be in my heart and I will never forget your laughter and smile and energy for life. I'll hold on to that memory forever.!! Love you Kyle
Tucker whitten

Dear Kyle,


When i first heard about what had happend, I instantly cried. The first thing i thought about was how i admired your outlook on life. You are just a happy cheerful guy and if you were around everyone else was happy and smiling too. Thats an amazing thing to have that sort of presence. Kyle we will all miss you so much i cant even begin to tell you. I think the last time i saw you was early this summer at roobs. You did the usual, loud voice, much too strong of a hug, and cracked me open a busch light. As usual you were smiling. I will be looking for you kyle!!Love you buddy, watch over us all........

Kayla Schulz
Every year on my birthday I'm going to miss Kyle giving me a strip tease and pulling my hair :) He was always the life of the party. Never failed to make people smile and laugh their asses off. My mom said to me " Life is a big puzzle and when you figure out how to put it all together, you get the privilege of going to heaven" You figured out the puzzle before the rest of us did. While we sit and try to put it together ourselves we will always remember the smiles and great times we had with you. I love you Ky. Watch over us all.
Brittney Oles

Kyle, We miss you so much. Ty and I have many great memories with you it's hard to choose one. One of our recent adventures with you was a trip to the Gorge for a Tom Petty concert, on Ty's 21st Birthday. I will never forget how mad I was at you, Ty, and Chris W. for getting so drunk the night before we went to the Gorge. I told you that you had to be at the house by 7am, you knew I was mad so you were there at 6am :) Ty was even still sleeping.  I drove all of you there while you guys slept. Once we got there the party began...You wanted to find a hot lady to hang out with, but you were so shy that you had to get a group of guys to line their chairs up and try to flirt with them while they walked by. You didn't get a lady, but you ended up with a huge pink heart painted on your chest, and a front row seat at Tom Petty when you had General Admission tickets!

We miss you so much buddy, you were suppose to be here with us forever! We have Jack Johnson tickets for October and our wedding in June. You will be there in our hearts. I'm going to miss your smile and your hugs! I will cherish all the memories Ty and I have with you. Watch over us Burnside. Love you.

Shann West

O to be missed Kyle I wish we would have hung out more besides just during track events. You were the type of guy I could always walk by and end up talking to for a while to catch up. Every time you started off with the same line with that grin Jamie was talking about “Shann the man what’s up buddy”. You were always a joy to be around buddy. I remember the first time I met Kyle and Darren back in 6th grade. It was activity time and there was a group of guys playing some basketball. For some odd reason back then I couldn’t tell them apart haha that’s funny cause Darren is like shack compared to Kyle’s muggsy bogues stature. Besides all the sporting events together I remember one thing that was so stupid it made us laugh every time we did it. Our hand shake! I don’t know how it came about but it started with a sniffle of the nose with the hand- then into a fake spit in the hand- into a high five- then to a kiss of two fingers- and ending with the two fingers on the other persons nipple. Haha If that’s not the worst hand shake ever then I don’t know what is. But it’s something me and Kyle shared that made us smile. And I thank you for the memory Kyle I will always have with that in my heart.  

Sara Roach
It is crazy to look back on the last time I saw you. You and Darren came into Dean's because you wanted a new pair of shoes. And, of course, you were super picky and couldn't just pick something that was readily available. HAHA, wouldn't expect any different from you. Anyways, we searched all over and I finally convinced you to get a pair like I have. It took a while and I actually got in trouble for focusing on helping you too much, which now I am SO glad that I did. You and Darren had just come from Joe West's memorial, and we even chatted a little bit about how it was so unfortunate that someone so young had passed on so soon. I never thought for a second that this kind of tragedy could happen again, especially not to you. It still hasn't really hit me that you are gone. I keep thinking you are gonna come jogging through the door in your new kicks, showing them off and saying how good you look in them. You were always so happy. You always made a point of greeting me with that huge grin on your face. Even though we weren't the best of friends, we all have grown up together and it kills me that we have to go on without you. You deserve to be here with us still, but I guess we were only lucky enough to be along for part of the ride. I am sure you are moving on to bigger and better things than we all know. I will hold on to the memory of your smile for a lifetime; all I have to do is close my eyes and I can see it. Who knows when I will see you again, but I can't wait. Just to warn you, the first thing I am gonna do is give you a big hug. I know I am bigger than you, but try not to run away. Miss ya bud!
Jaime Cochran
One of my fondest memories is just his smile. He wore that thing every where. If you tried to be mad at him, he would just give you that puppy face. His smile is something I will never forget. He was such an amazing person.
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