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Kyndra Dawn

I only ever spent less than a handful of times with Kyle personally. My fondest memory with Kyle was when we were all down at a party in Pot Creek and Kyle played cop and attempted to scare us all by bring some rotating lights with Thad. When we returned to the house muddy and nasty from running from them Kyle ran up to me and smiled gave me a hug and said don't worry Kyndra i wouldn't let you rot in jail by yourself. Didn't matter how mad you wanted to be with him yah just couldn't because he melted you with that cheesy adorable smile. Kyle had a heart of gold and a passion for life that you couldn't surpass if you tried. He was a good brother and a wonderful son. Kyle I feel blessed to have ever met you. Know that when you look down upon us we will see you again soon. You have set the bar high for living life to the fullest. We love and cherish the memory of you. Thanks for the good times.

Love Always

Jade S.


   I cant even start to say how much I miss you. I have not ONE single unhappy memory with you. Meeting you was the single best thing for me in my life. You showed me so many thngs that are not replaceable. I remember all the little things that no one else would understand. I remember when we were going to stay in for the night and everyone else was going to some party, and they gave you so much shit for it, so you had to bust out your 10 ways to say No. thank goodness you had that cause that night was way better then any party! I remember when you told me you didnt know what rock paper sicssers was and i was so excited to explain it to you. but then later you told me that you knew but you liked how happy i was to explain it to you that you couldnt tell me you knew. I remember when we would always go long boarding, but it could hardly be called that cause i always just held on to you cause i didnt want to fall, but when i did fall you were right there to pick me up, and then we got snow cones. i loved how you did exactly what you wanted to, you didnt wait for anything, you took everything you wanted out of really did live it to the fullest! There is not a second that goes by that I dont think of you, I love you kyle, I really do and im so glad that i got to be around you for the times that i did, because you really did make me a better person. Im going to miss you so so so much! i love you b.

I could go on with pages of memories that we have shared in our life. you were one of my bestfriends iv ever had in my life. ill never forget the first time that we ever met in 6th and been the best of friends ever since. ill never forget you bro you'll be in my heart till the day i die. Ill never forget that smile and laugh, and your ways of making everybody laugh even if they were down. watch over us brother, there wont be a day i wont think about you.I Love You K Burn Rest In Peace bro.
Megan Fry

Kyle, when i look back on things, nothing sticks out to me more than your smile. You had this way of always lighting up a room with that smirk of yours, and that i will always cherish. I can't ever remember a time when anyone was ever in a bad mood when they were with you or even in the same room as you. We will all miss your sense of humor and your uncanny ability to raise everyone's spirits. One of the things I'll never forget is your amazing hugs. They are those kinds of hugs where you can truely tell someone is giving you a hug because they care about you, a hug so sincere you can feel it all the way down to your soul. You will always live in all of our hearts as the most kind, gentle, down to earth, and carefree person we all grew to know and love. we love and miss you kyle.

There are many memories of Kyle I can't get out of my head, but the one that stands out to me the most is one of him dancing and laughing that crazy laugh that got everyone going right along with him. I have never in my life seen someone dance the way Kyle danced it was ridiculous and amazing all at the same time. He said it was his Michael Jackson impersonation but im honestly not sure what the heck it was. You could make anyone feel special and I just hope that you felt that way too, because you are truly one of the most incredible people Ive met and I am so thankful for having known you. The world lost a special person when we lost you, I'm going to miss you kyle.
JR Fowler

Kyle. One of my best and funniest moments with you was Track Districts in Pendleton. Lol you know what im talkin bout man, no need to put it on here. I felt so bad for the stat keepers in that steamy hot track shed. Best part was when we checked it out the following year, it was stiiilll there haha. I cant even begin to tell you how much ill miss you broseff. We may have not hung out all the time but when we did it was always a blast man. One of the most caring, genuine guys ive met. Like i was tellin Darren....You two were guys were some of my first friends in Pendleton. I moved here in April of 5th grade and of course got picked on like every new kid would but every morning us 3 would play some basketball at Washington before you guys had to catch your bus. I sucked at ball but you 2 never cared and never made fun of me because of that. Ya it was 5th grade and we were young and everybody picked on everybody but you dont know how cool i thought you guys were. Im honored to call you a friend and am so grateful for the time we did have together. I know your with us dog but ill NEVER forget you or that big ass smile. I love ya man.

Kyle, its hard to even come up with words to explain how we feel. You touched so many lives with your goofy smile. You were always giving me a hard time, all in fun though. I miss all the times you would make fun of me and laugh, that's weird to say cause i would always get "so" mad. I thank you for helping me get through the smoker, we were both so scared. you had to fight that huge guy and you did great. I honestly had no voice after your fight, i screamed it all out. and I had fight that huge girl and surely didn't fair as good as you did. I loved how you wore your medal all night long too and made sure everyone knew you won and i lost. i believe we made a five dollar bet if you won. i own you five bucks bud. One day I hope I can pay off my debt to you. I can't wait until that day so i can see that goofy smile everyone loved so much.
Colin Lewis
Sherwood Heights Elementary( represent), Sunridge Middle School( represent), Pendleton High School( represent)...You, Darren, and I, have been good friends for what seems like forever.  When we were young-bucks I always remembered getting excited when I received the annual burnside twins birthday invitation.  It was a tradition of mine to buy you and your brother a tin of assorted popcorn every year for your birthday.  It was kind of a bush league gift but every year both of you seemed to munch the popcorn and be very grateful.  I'm grateful to have gotten to experience your presence and your good vibes.  You put everyone in a great mood.  You were a great friend and you will be remembered and loved forever.  xoxo brother
Cory Jane


    I remember when i got my heart broken for the very first time, and you sat with me during my lunch and we drew a picture and you cheered me right up...I still have that picture. Now i'll never throw it away. You always put a smile on my face...I can't think of a single time you ever made me the slightest bit mad. Whether you were trying to drive your truck with your boot on, popping wheelies in brandons wheelchair on the track, or just being you i can't think of a single time i saw you and you didnt make me laugh.

     I can't believe your gone. The second I got that text...I just burst into tears. I didn't want to believe it...I know you wouldn't want any of us to cry kyle, so I'm trying not to. I'd give anything to have you back. You better know how much we all loved you. And what an amazing person you were.

     The last time I saw you, I gave you a hug. If I'd have know that was going to be the last time, I would have held on a lot longer.

     I miss you and love you kyle. I know your in a better place now. I'll see you on the other side.


Marie Bartlett
It didnt matter where we were or what time it was there was always that awesome smile on your face! One of the fondest memories of you kyle was ccd church classes together...we were always in the same ccd classes and I was always so thankful that you were in mine because we both knew how BORING those classes were. You were always there to make everyone smile and crack up even in the most inappropriate times! As always! Whenever we went to church on sundays I will always remember seeing your dad, mom, darren and then you! You were always smiling straight at me never failed. And then we would both end up cracking up. You were such a GREAT person and will be missed by so many forever and ever. I hope that your family will heal even though things will never be the same without you. We miss you.
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